Blog, Wardrobe

Carpentered vs Machine cut custom-made furniture

Wood planingIf is always heartwarming to see a skilled traditional carpenter working with wood to create beautiful & functional furniture. Carefully selected wood with continuous care ages beautifully even as time goes by.  You can see the product made in front of your eyes and make reasonable changes.

With India going through a transformation, were furniture is not just functional, but also lifestyle product, the finish and exclusivity of the furniture become more relevant. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find skilled carpenters who can churn out well finished furniture with minimal disturbance to the household.

Machine made modular furniture on the other hand offers the perfect solution by offering precisely cut and well finished furniture using a variety of materials,  (to know more about materials read “A simplistic guide to material used for furniture)  which includes solid wood. The design, cost and timeframe is known upfront and you get exactly what you discussed with the designer. There is no mess in the house and chances of wall and floor getting damaged are very low. You also get to mix and match different material, colors and designs to get a unique piece of furniture.

At Uniwood we create great furniture by combining the skill of craftsmen working on high tech wood cutting machines and cutting edge finishing systems. Please fell free to visit our factory, interact with our designers and see for yourself the magic of carpenters working on cutting edge German machines. To fix an appointment please call on +91xxxx or send the request below

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